It’s never easy for a man to accept the fact that he’s losing his hair. Fortunately, nowadays men have many options to prevent hair loss before it happens and treat it once it has already started.

The following are some of the major options available to men losing their hair in 2016 that take advantage of some of the latest development in technology:

  • Finasteride pills- Finasteride is a prescription medication that can be used to treat hair loss. This medication can prevent hair loss by lowering levels of dihydrotestosterone, which is a hormone that is responsible for hair loss in men who go bald. Finasteride is generally administered to patients in 1 mg doses per day, and it has been shown to slow down the loss of hair in 85 percent of men who use it. Finasteride is a hair loss treatment that is approved by the FDA. It is sometimes also referred to as Propecia.
  • Topical treatments- Topical treatments for hair loss typically contain minoxidilMinoxidil is the first medication that was ever approved by the FDA to treat hair loss. The most widely recognized hair loss treatment on the market is Rogaine. Treatments containing minoxidil do show some success in treating hair loss, but the success they offer is limited. Those who use such a topical treatment will typically need to apply it to the scalp every day. Also, they need to continue this treatment indefinitely, because once they stop applying topical treatments they will lose whatever progress they have made.
  • Hair transplants- While this is a fairly effective method of coping with the cosmetic problem of hair loss, it is very expensive. In a hair transplant, hair is removed from bushier parts of the scalp and transplanted to bald or balding portions of the scalp. Usually, thousands of hair grafts are necessary to make the transplant effective, so it is time consuming and tedious. Also, a typical hair transplant is not going to result in very thick or full hair coverage. It can simply provide some cosmetic improvements.
  • The laser comb- This technology is at the cutting edge of hair loss treatment, and doubts remain as to whether or not it works. The laser comb uses laser therapy to stimulate follicles to produce hair. This device has not yet been approved by the FDA.

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